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01 marzo 2022

Statement from the President of the Italian Neurological Society (SIN) on the situation in Ukraine

March 1st , 2022


We read with deep emotional involvement the statement of the European Academy of Neurology President, Prof. Claudio Bassetti, on the situation in Ukraine. As one of the largest and oldest neurological societies in Europe, we at the Italian Neurological Society (SIN) would like to join in with our support of this statement.

Since 1907, the Italian Neurological Society has been working to create an international network involving Ukrainian and Russian healthcare professionals and scientists to support patients with neurological diseases. Our neurological patients are frail and need continuous and expensive treatments, and war will compromise the care of these patients. This will lead to a higher burden on civilians and to more preventable deaths. As physicians and scientists, we are neutral and apolitical, and our mission is to support our patients and colleagues in the fight against neurological diseases.

As Gino Strada stated: "War, just like deadly diseases, has to be prevented and cured. Violence is not the right medicine: it does not cure the disease, it kills the patient."


On behalf of the Italian Neurological Society, we ask you to consider contributing to UNHCR and IRCC, which provides relief efforts to assist with civilian casualties and refugees in the region.


Per supporto ed assistenza:
Segreteria SIN SienaCongress
Via del Rastrello, 7 — 53100 Siena
Tel. 0577 286003 –

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