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Antonio Russo, M. Silvestro, F. Trojsi, A. Bisecco, R. De Micco, G. Caiazzo, F. Di Nardo, F. Esposito, A. Tessitore, G. Tedeschi
Headache doi: 10.1111/head.13860
© 2020 American Headache Society
Selezionato dal Lettore: Francesco Di Lorenzo - IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia
MOTIVATION: The study "Cognitive Networks Disarrangement in Patients With Migraine Predicts Cutaneous Allodynia" by Russo and colleagues improves the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying migraine and the possible process of chronicization. The study shows, in a cohort of patients with migraine without aura, that some abnormalities of the brain circuits evidenced by functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques are able to predict the occurrence of cutaneous allodynia. In particular, connectivity alterations of the "default mode network" and the "central executive network" and microstructural alterations of the corpus callosum are associated with the occurrence of allodinia. The importance of the study lies in the identification of biomarkers associated with a particular clinical phenotype.
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