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Thrombectomy for Stroke at 6 to 16 Hours with Selection by Perfusion Imaging
G.W. Albers, M.P. Marks, S. Kemp, S. Christensen, J.P. Tsai, S. Ortega-Gutierrez, R.A. McTaggart, M.T. Torbey, M. Kim-Tenser, T. Leslie-Mazwi, A. Sarraj, S.E. Kasner, S.A. Ansari, S.D. Yeatts, S. Hamilton, M. Mlynash, J.J. Heit, G. Zaharchuk, S. Kim, J. Carrozzella, Y.Y. Palesch, A.M. Demchuk, R. Bammer, P.W. Lavori, J.P. Broderick, and M.G. Lansberg, for the DEFUSE 3 Investigators
Selezionato dal lettore Salvatore Mazzeo, Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health - University of Florence
Transient Ischemic Attack Results in Delayed Brain Atrophy and Cognitive Decline
Andrew Bivard, PhD; Thomas Lillicrap, PhD; Bénédicte Maréchal, PhD; Carlos Garcia-Esperon, MD; Elizabeth Holliday, PhD; Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, FRACP; Christopher R. Levi, FRACP; Mark Parsons, MD, PhD
Proinflammatory B-cell profile in the early phases of MS predicts an active disease
T. Guerrier, M. Labalette, D. Launay, et all.
The Edinburgh CT and genetic diagnostic criteria for lobar intracerebral haemorrhage associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy: model development and diagnostic test accuracy study
Rodrigues et al.
Tactile acuity (dys)function in acute nociceptive low back pain: a double-blind experiment
Adamczyk WM, Saulicz O, Saulicz E, Luedtke K.
Department of Kinesiotherapy and Special Methods in Physiotherapy, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, Katowice, Poland.
Pain Research Group, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
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